About the Journal

The Guatemalan Scientific Journal of Dentistry of the School of Postgraduate Studies of the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC) is an academic journal, refereed by professional peers and researchers, double-blind and external to the publishing entity. , is open access and has national and international coverage.

Its objective is to publish unpublished articles related to Dentistry and its different areas of knowledge, in addition to providing a space for academic and scientific dissemination under the criteria and rigor dictated by science, technology and international publication standards, based on the code of COPE ethics.

Among the articles that can be published in the journal are: original research articles, consort-type randomized clinical trials, systematic review articles, clinical or basic research (biology and technology), case reports/clinical techniques, interviews, abstracts of congress, tributes, an editorial, etc. (see details in: types of articles that can be published in the magazine).



The Guatemalan Scientific Journal of Dentistry adheres to the different initiatives that promote free access to knowledge, the journal does not have charges for reading, review or publication of articles and internal and external persons to our publishing entity can publish in it, articles are accepted in Spanish or English. The magazine will be published digitally and in print.

The international license of Creative Commons 4.0 and the law of copyright and related rights of Guatemala will be used for the protection of content and copyright, in addition, the Open Journal System (OJS) created by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) will be used. for the operationalization, administration and publication of the magazine.

Likewise, the journal will be associated with Crossref, an international non-profit association for, among other things, the management of the journal's metadata. Together, the ©Turnitin application or program will be used to detect the similarity index (anti-plagiarism application or program), establishing a maximum coincidence tolerance of 25%.

The Guatemalan Scientific Journal of Dentistry is published every six months by the Graduate School of Dentistry of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala, since 2022.



The target audience for the magazine is the dental community, with content produced by professors, students, researchers and dentists, both from the University of San Carlos de Guatemala, as well as from other academic institutions in the country or internationally.



In the future it will be established according to © Clarivate Analytics Journal Citation Reports



The Guatemalan Scientific Journal of Dentistry belongs to the Graduate School of Dentistry, USAC. Submitted manuscripts must be related to Dentistry and must be original articles (for example: scientific articles resulting from research, clinical trials, basic science related to the biological aspects of Dentistry, basic science related to the techniques of Dentistry, reports of cases or review articles related to scientific or applied aspects of Dentistry).

Clinical studies that use methodologies according to the international organization CONSORT CONsolidated Standards Of Reporting Trials are especially recommended, the authors must provide the CONSORT checklist accompanied by a flow chart that illustrates the progress of patients throughout the trial. And the systematic reviews that use meta-analyses, it is recommended that they follow the guidelines of the Cochrane manual of systematic reviews of interventions, according to the international organization Cochrane.

Manuscripts submitted for publication must be sent exclusively to the Guatemalan Scientific Journal of Dentistry (https://www.odontologiagt.org/index.php/revista/about/submissions). They should not be sent for consideration elsewhere or published in any media. For help or queries about the guide for authors or manuscripts, contact [email protected], this journal does not charge fees for submission, review or publication of scientific articles.

Requirement and attest to the originality of the articles: each author signs a letter of originality, where he attests to the originality of the articles he is submitting. This support document will remain in the custody of the editorial committee.

Your manuscript must be an editable digital document, including text, figures and/or tables, or you can submit it in separate digital documents, depending on the author's preference. It must include all the required sections, the minimum ones are: title, abstract, keywords (the previous 3 must be sent in Spanish and English), introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions and bibliography. Figures and/or tables must have a title and legend, and must also have their respective numerical sequence. Figures should be submitted in the highest resolution possible. References can be submitted in any style or format, as long as it is consistent throughout the manuscript and in a single format, APA 7ma Edition or Vancouver, either, format is strongly recommended. You do not need to format the references in your manuscript, instead the typographer will take care of this. Supporting information must be submitted on separate digital documents.

It is necessary to have an identification of the international organization Open Researcher and Contributor ID, ORCID for its acronym in English, available free of charge at orcid.org. This is a global non-profit organization, this is important because ORCID provides a permanent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that is owned and controlled by you and distinguishes you from any other researcher. You can connect your iD with your professional information, such as affiliations, grants, publications, peer reviews, and more. You can use your iD to share your information with other systems, ensuring that you are recognized for all your contributions, saving time, work, and reducing the risk of errors.



Submissions are initially evaluated by the editor-in-chief and the editorial team. If the manuscripts do not meet the minimum requirements, detailed in the "Checklist for the Preparation of Submissions", they will be rejected. Likewise, the editor-in-chief can reject submissions that do not belong to the disciplines that the journal includes.

The journal operates with a double-blind peer review policy in which the identity of the peer reviewer and the author are anonymized, the manuscripts are reviewed by external expert professional peers. The manuscript is sent to two peer reviewers, in case the professional peers disagree regarding the publication or not of the manuscript, it will be sent to a third professional peer. Internal submissions, that is, articles written by editors or members of the editorial board of the journal, will be sent to editors not affiliated with the author or institution and will be carefully controlled to ensure that there is no peer review bias. Anonymize your manuscript and provide a cover of your article in a separate digital document, see details below. Arbitration may take some time. Finally, the editor in chief evaluates the recommendations of the peer reviewers, if the manuscript obtains two recommendations for publication, then the article will be published. The editor-in-chief may decide to send the manuscript to another peer reviewer, the decision after the peer review process is final and the author cannot appeal it.

The decisions of the members of the editorial committee to accept or reject a document for publication are based solely on the relevance of the work, its originality and expository clarity, as well as the relevance of the study in relation to the editorial line. It is guaranteed that the material submitted for publication will be considered as reserved and confidential matter while it is being evaluated and, in the case of being rejected, no evaluating member will be able to make the original public. The identity of the evaluators is protected at all times, guaranteeing their anonymity.



Statements, opinions, and advertisements in the Guatemalan Journal of Dentistry belong to and are the sole responsibility of the individual authors, collaborators, editors, or advertisers, as indicated. These statements, opinions and announcements do not provide any responsibility to the School of Postgraduate Studies, the School of Dentistry, the University of San Carlos de Guatemala or their agents, collaborators, publishers, etc. Unless otherwise specified, the Graduate School, the School of Dentistry and the University of San Carlos de Guatemala and the publisher disclaim any responsibility or liability for such material.



Authors who publish in this journal accept the following conditions:

The authors retain the copyright and give the journal the right of first publication, with the work registered with the Creative Commons 4.0 attribution license, which allows third parties to use what is published as long as they mention the authorship of the work and the first publication in this magazine.

Authors may make other independent and additional contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the article published in this journal (eg, include it in an institutional repository or publish it in a book) as long as they clearly indicate that the work was first published in this magazine.

Authors are allowed and encouraged to share their work online (for example: in institutional repositories or personal web pages) before and during the manuscript submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, greater and more quick citation of published work.

Requirement and attest to the originality of the articles: each author signs a letter of originality, where he attests to the originality of the article he is submitting. This document must be attached in another file at the time of submission, this support document will remain in the custody of the editorial committee.



The data collected from registered and unregistered users in this journal are included within the scope of the standard operation of peer-reviewed journals. That includes the information necessary to communicate in the editorial process. The information is used to inform readers about the authorship and editing of the content. Likewise, it allows collecting aggregate data on reading behaviors as well as monitoring geopolitical and social elements of academic communication.

The editorial team of this magazine uses this data to guide the publication and improvement of the magazine. Data that will help improve the publishing platform may be shared with its developer Public Knowledge Project in an anonymous and aggregated manner, with its own exceptions such as article metrics. The magazine will not sell the data nor will PKP use it for other purposes than those established in this section.

The authors who have authorship of articles in this journal are responsible for the data on subjects that appear in the research reported here.

The people responsible for publishing this magazine are in compliance with international standards on data privacy, including the clause of "the rights over the data of subjects" of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (RGPD) that includes (a) data breach notifications; (b) right of access; (c) right to be erased; (d) data portability; and (e) privacy by design. The GDPR also allows recognition of the “public interest of data availability” that is important to those who maintain, with the highest possible integrity, public records of scholarly publications.



The publication of articles in this journal constitutes a process of permanent production of knowledge, the journal also considers that it is its duty to ensure the transmission of scientific knowledge, guaranteeing its rigor and quality, under an ethical commitment to the scientific community and academic. The formal component of the scholarly communication system, that is, the publication of an article in a peer-reviewed scholarly journal, serves many purposes other than simple communication. It is a basic component in the development of a coherent and respected knowledge network. It is prima facie evidence of the quality and impact of the research work of its authors and by extension of the institutions that support them. It supports, and is itself an example of, the scientific method. For all these reasons and more, it is important to establish standards of ethical conduct expected by all parties involved in the act of publication: the author, the journal editor, the reviewer, the publishing entity and society. This includes all parties treating each other with respect and dignity and without discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or retaliation. The protocols and guidelines described here are good practices commonly exercised in prestigious international publishing houses, in this line the Code of Conduct that, for editors of scientific journals, has been established by the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) is taken as a reference.

Human and Animal Studies

If the work involves the use of human subjects, the author must ensure that the work described has been performed in accordance with the World Medical Association Code of Ethics (Declaration of Helsinki) for human experiments. The manuscript must be in line with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommendations for conducting, reporting, editing, and publishing scholarly papers in medical journals and the goal of including representative human populations (sex, age, and ethnicity). ) according to these recommendations. The terms sex and gender must be used correctly as indicated by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The authors must include on the cover of the manuscript a statement that they have passed the ethics committee of their institution, this may be that of their academic unit or that of their university or institution, and they must also send in a document attached to the manuscript the letter issued by the ethics committee approving the research. Likewise, the authors must include on the cover of the manuscript, a statement indicating that informed consent was obtained from the people involved, for experimentation with human subjects. The privacy rights of human subjects must always be observed.

All experiments on animals must comply with the arrive guidelines of the National Center for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research and must be carried out in accordance with the Animals Law (Scientific Procedures) of the European Commission EU Directive 2010/63 /EU for Animal Experimentation, or the United States Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, authors should clearly indicate in the manuscript that such guidelines have been followed. The sex of the animals and, where appropriate, the influence (or association) of sex on the results of the study must be indicated.



Authors are asked to identify who provided financial support for the conduct of the research and/or the preparation of the article and to briefly describe the role of the sponsor, if any. Each author must disclose any financial and/or personal relationships with other persons or organizations that may influence the author's objectivity. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include employment, consulting, stock ownership, fees, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding. Authors must disclose any interest in two places: 1. A summary statement of interest in the digital cover document. If there are no interests to declare, please indicate the following: “Declarations of interest: none”. 2. Detailed disclosure as part of a separate digital Declaration of Interest document, which will form part of the journal's internal official records. It is important that potential interests are declared in both places and that the information matches, more information.



Submission of an article implies that the described work has not been previously published (except in the form of an abstract, published conference or academic thesis, see “Multiple, redundant or concurrent publication” for more information), that it is not under consideration for publication in another place, that its publication is approved by all the authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, it will not be published in another place in the same form, in Spanish, English or in any other language, including electronically, without the written consent of the copyright holder. To verify originality, your manuscript will be reviewed by the Crossref Similarity Check originality detection service.



Inclusive language recognizes diversity, conveys respect for all people, is sensitive to differences and promotes equal opportunities. The content must not make assumptions about the beliefs or commitments of any reader; not contain anything that could imply that one individual is superior to another on the basis of age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability or health status; and use inclusive language at all times. Authors must ensure that the writing is free from bias, stereotypes, jargon, references to a dominant culture, and/or cultural assumptions. We recommend avoiding the use of descriptors that refer to personal attributes such as age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability or health condition unless they are relevant and valid, and we also recommend avoiding offensive or exclusionary terms. These guidelines are intended as a point of reference to help identify appropriate language, but are by no means exhaustive or definitive.



For greater transparency, we encourage authors to submit an author statement section on the manuscript title page, describing their individual contributions to the paper, using the relevant CRediT roles, authorship statements should be formatted with authors' names first and CRediT features below. More details and an example.



The Guatemalan Scientific Journal of Dentistry is committed to responding quickly to the complaints received. In any case, if the interested parties are unable to satisfy their claims, it is considered that they are within their right to submit their protests to other instances.

Any author, reader or evaluator can send their complaints or reports through the journal email: [email protected]



The Guatemalan Scientific Journal of Dentistry assumes its obligation to act accordingly in case of suspicion of bad practices or inappropriate conduct, manuscripts that raise doubts about possible misconduct will be rejected, and all reasonable efforts will be made to ensure that the works submitted evaluation are rigorous and ethically sound.



Whenever any published work becomes known to contain material inaccuracies, misleading or distorted statements, it must be corrected immediately. If any work whose content is fraudulent is detected, it will be removed as soon as it is known, immediately informing both readers and indexing systems.



The Guatemalan Scientific Journal of Dentistry allows the self-archiving of accepted and published manuscripts. Authors retain copyright ownership and may archive pre-published or post-published versions, or pdf versions, in personal or institutional repositories or libraries whenever they wish without the express permission of the journal. The authors of articles published in the Guatemalan Scientific Journal of Dentistry have the right to deposit the accepted or published versions of the manuscripts in institutional repositories. Authors can make them publicly available immediately once the journal is mentioned as the site where they were originally published.

The Guatemalan Scientific Journal of Dentistry participates in the digital preservation of the Public Knowledge Project Private LOCKSS Network (PKP PLN) that allows long-term digital preservation in case the journal goes offline. The LOCKSS program enables decentralized and distributed preservation of long-term access to manuscripts. Likewise, it also allows the digital preservation of the authentic versions of the manuscripts.



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